Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Dream Catchers

life goes by simple and mundane. it delivers no ryhyme and pain. the soft tears of someone eyes are when felt inside the joy of knowing the unknown pain is realised.
Change of fate and destiny was not realised till the time I found for what I was born and what did I realised. The lost chances all went infront of my eyes and I kept waiting for something, someone... a last chance maybe, for me to prove that I can, I will or may be ...
Last laugh did not come till the time I was ready to bid goodbye and even after that I realised life was not what i though, i felt and i did, it was not complicated yet not simple, not mundane but not even trivial. It had a rainbow and joys but I kept feeling the pain which was just inside and missed all the joys outside. The pain of others that brought tears in my eyes was the only joy I lived for rest everything was just fine.
The dreams I had were not the dreams those were the memories I cherrished and the source of living after I perished. Life just goes by but not so simple and mundane that i realised.